Within the scope of the project, the renovation works of the Mosul University Training and Research Hospital, which was completed in 2014, were carried out.
Within the scope of the project the employer of which is Gerede Forest Operations Directorate, repair and maintenance works were performed for the existing road.
Within the scope of the project, which was undertaken by Tarsus Forest Management Directorate, repair, maintenance and restoration works of existing forest roads were carried out.
Within the scope of the project the employer of which is Yenice Forest Operations Directorate, repair and maintenance works were performed with machine for the existing forest roads.
Within the scope of the project the employer of which is Mut Forest Operations Directorate forest service roads construction with machine were performed.
Within the scope of the project, the employer of which was Sındırgı Forest Management, repair, maintenance and restoration works of existing forest roads were carried out.
Within the scope of the project the employer of which is State Forests Administration Silifke Forest Operations Directorate, repair and maintenance works were performed for the existing forest roads.