Project covers the construction of in-campus roads, rainwater, canalization and drinking water networks construction, reinforced concrete water tanks and structural and plant landscaping works.
Yol inşaatı kapsamında ; Within the scope of road construction; 162.000 m3 road platform excavation, 110.000 m3 road platform filling, 25.000 ton ton asphalt paving, 30.000 m3 sub-foundation and foundation materials laying, 21.000 m2 concrete paving, open car park, construction of approximately 5.000 m3 reinforced concrete retention wall and 22.000 m2 cobble pavements and 13.000 m kerbstone productions.
Altyapı inşaatları kapsamında ; Within the scope of infrastructure constructions; laying down of 4.500 m Ø200,300 and 700 mm corrugated pipes, manhole productions, culvert productions and excavation and filling works related to these constructions.
Within the scope of drinking water production; laying down of 5.400 m Ø75, 110, 160 mm HDPE pipes, 500 m3 water tank, and excavation, filling and reinforced concrete productions related to these constructions. 5.400 mt Ø75, 110, 160 mm HDPE boru döşenmesi, 500 m3 su deposu bu imalatlarla ilgili kazı, dolgu ve betonarme imalatları kapsamaktadır.
Çevre düzenleme inşaatı kapsamında ; Within the scope of landscaping construction; hard ground pavement productions with approximately 6.800 m2 granite, basalt – concrete cube blocks and slab materials and formation of 50.000 m2 green space; automatic irrigation and drip irrigation systems were built in green spaces; production of one 800 m2 pond containing natural waterfalls and fountains, 6 dry type pools, a total of 25 m long center median decorative pools with fountains, 2 pools with fountains in various locations, a 650 m2 size amphitheatre, planting of 2.547 large trees, planting of 11.345 shrubs, flowers and ground cover, 17 pergolas, entry and exit tags total in 2, bus stops, benches, picnic tables, wooden bridges, decorative fountains and park, garden and street lighting. |