Koya University 5 Male and Female Dormitory Buildings and Engineering Faculty Construction

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Koya University 5 Male and Female Dormitory Buildings and Engineering Faculty Construction

Employer Administration:Irak Yüksek Öğretim ve Bilimsel Araştırma Bakanlığı
Work Site:Koya / IRAK
Contract Date:12.01.2005
Completion Date20.06.2006

Within the project scope 5 student dormitory buildings construction and Engineer Faculty building construction were performed. Total construction closed area is 54.500 m2. Dormitory buildings consist of 3 blocks and 6 floors and 3.250 m2 of the construction was built with conventional formwork method and 40.750 m2, on the other hand, with tunnel formwork method. The whole of the Engineering Faculty, which consists of 10.500 m2, was constructed with conventional formwork method. Within the scope of the projects performed as turnkey, student rooms, fitness hall, laundry room, administrator and auxiliary units rooms, library, Internet hall, cafeteria, warm and cold air installations, generator for emergency cut-outs, fire protection, furniture-furnishings, access roads were realized together with infrastructure and landscaping works.